The Uses and Advantages of Polyurethane Rollers

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The Uses and Advantages of Polyurethane Rollers

Categories: Polyurethane wheels rollers

Application: The Uses and Advantages of Polyurethane Rollers


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Industries That Make Use of Polyurethane Rollers Automation has made it so companies can do more with fewer people. This often means eliminating repetitive movements and manual handling; in most companies, that means resorting to rubber or urethane wheels and rollers.


Industries That Make Use of Polyurethane Rollers

Automation has made it so companies can do more with fewer people. This often means eliminating repetitive movements and manual handling; in most companies, that means resorting to rubber or urethane wheels and rollers. Here are just a few industries that use them:


• Food Processing

• Automotive manufacturing

• Aviation

• Mining

• Packaging

• Printing

• Agriculture

• Banking

• Construction

• Steel cutting

• Mining


In other words, if there’s pressing, assembling, or heavy lifting to be done, there’s probably a roller involved.


Five Advantages of Polyurethane Rollers

For something that’s only been around since World War II, polyurethane has made a huge impact on our lives. It’s in our shoes, our vehicles, and in our impact bars. Here are five reasons people now prefer urethane rollers to rubber, plastic, and steel ones:


1. They Last Longer: Though it varies widely by industry, the average rubber roller lasts around 1000 hours. Polyurethane rollers, meanwhile, can run for around 4000 hours before they begin to show their age.

2. The FDA Has Approved Them for Use in Food Processing: Almost everybody picks their nose. Sine food manufacturers are well aware of this fact, they began distancing themselves from human-on-food contact. Unfortunately, rubber and plastic rollers have a habit of leaving marks and residue on food. Polyurethane rollers don’t do that.

3. They Decrease Downtime and Boost Profits: Because of their durability and long lifespans, urethane rollers can help pad your bottom line. Since you don’t have to worry about replacements as often, they also increase your productivity.

4. Polyurethane Rollers Give Better Traction: Though rubber is soft, it has a hard time gripping smoother materials like glass or sanded wood. Polyurethane, especially when grooved, is much better suited to grabbing and shifting these objects.

5. They’re Versatile: Polyurethane rollers can be bought in durometers ranging from 10A to 75D. So, whether you want your rollers gel-like or tough as a bowling ball, polyurethane has you covered.

