The Benefits of Polyurethane in Today’s Machinery Industry

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The Benefits of Polyurethane in Today’s Machinery Industry

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Application: The Benefits of Polyurethane in Today’s Machinery Industry


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The Benefits of Polyurethane in Today’s Machinery Industry


The Benefits of Polyurethane in Today’s Machinery Industry

Abrasion & Tear Resistant

Polyurethane’s incredible durability makes it a useful resource in the machinery industry. It can take severe wear and tear, and does not melt away in high temperatures. In fact, polyurethane is the number one material choice in industrial parts—it’s ten times more durable than other common alternatives like rubber, silicone, or plastic.


In older machines, the majority of the internal and external parts are made of metal, so the parts constantly rub against each other. Over time, the parts will start breaking down. By utilizing polyurethane as a buffer between the metal surfaces, the machine can last longer—and cause fewer headaches for the operator as well.


Noise Reduction

When wheels, belts, or other parts are continually turning, loud noises or squeaky sounds can grate on both employees and the surrounding residents of the construction site. This can also be the case in manufacturing facilities where multiple machines are working 10+ hours a day. Polyurethane significantly reduces noise in all moving parts.


High Load-bearing Capacity

Polyurethane is a great option when used for wheels, and extremely beneficial for heavy machinery.


Water and Oil Resistant

No matter the industry, it’s inevitable that machines get exposed to oil. It’s important to use parts in those machines that can withstand prolonged contact with it. Polyurethane can maintain its properties with minimal swelling in these conditions.



One of the best features of polyurethane is its degree of customization. When working with a polyurethane manufacturer, you can make parts, products, and molds to fit your exact specifications.


Here are some common customization options:



Tear strength

Modulus of elasticity

Chemical resistance

Tensile strength

Heat resistance


Holds Up Against Corrosion

Corrosion is one of the major factors that causes breakdown of machinery components.


As touched on previously, polyurethane is resistant to water, oil, and other liquids. As a result, it also holds up well against corrosion.


In liquid form, polyurethane is used as a coating to protect machine parts—both internally and externally—from the natural elements (mainly water). When polyurethane is used this way, it not only holds up against corrosion, but also helps the machine hold up against higher temperatures and abrasion.


Cable Coatings

Polyurethane is a surprisingly popular option as a cable coating for a few reasons. It resists electric shocks, it’s water-resistant (in case your machine is sitting outside on a rainy day), and it holds up against corrosion. This is also a useful option in the marine industry, where water and electricity are ever-present.

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