Some Advantages of Polyurethane Wheels
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Some Advantages of Polyurethane Wheels
Some Advantages of Polyurethane Wheels
Some Advantages of Polyurethane Wheels
1. Noise reduction. They are not only quiet but also absorb shocks and bumps on their way. They play an important role in cushioning the ride on an uneven terrain. Noise level reduces dramatically when polyurethane wheels are used in place of cast iron or steel wheels which also offer protection to the hearing power of the employees.
2. High load bearing capacity. Polyurethane wheels offer added benefit of high load bearing capacity along with other benefits of rubber wheel such as less noise, shock absorber and cushioned ride on uneven surface.
3. Coefficient of friction. Another benefit of using polyurethane wheels over other wheels of hard material is its coefficient of friction. As per experts of caster wheel manufacturing industry, caster wheels have a good grip on the surface and can be used in keeping the trolley towed right side up which in case of harder wheel material can create problems like sliding. Experts also tell that polyurethane wheels offer good traction to the drive wheels which further reduces amount of load on the wheels and help achieving the desired driving force.
4. Floor protection. Another benefit of using polyurethane wheels over other varieties is floor protection. These wheels deflect and create larger footprints as compared to harder material wheels such as nylon. This larger area reduces concentration of load and stress on the floor and keeps the floor in the same shape for longer period of time.
5. Resistance to corrosion. They don’t corrode or break down in humid or wet environment. Apart from that they have certain degree of tolerance to various chemicals and solvents.