Polyurethane Rollers

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Polyurethane Rollers

Categories: PU coated rollers

Application: Polyurethane Rollers


Main description:

Polyurethane Rollers


Polyurethane Rollers

Polyurethane is known as the fifth largest plastic because of its excellent performance and is widely used in light industry, chemical industry, electronics, textile, machinery, printing, metallurgy and other industries! Casting polyurethane rubber roller is a kind of plastic made by casting liquid polyurethane rubber A kind of rubber roller! Compared with ordinary rubber rollers, it has higher mechanical strength (2-3 times that of natural rubber), excellent wear resistance, (5-10 times that of natural rubber), and outstanding compression resistance , a wide range of hardness, and still has high elasticity under high hardness! (This is a characteristic that other rubber rollers do not have) High surface finish and good machining performance.


Polyurethane rollers can withstand high-pressure, high-humidity production environments. Polyurethane rubber rollers have a wide range of hardness indicators, from HSA15 to HSD80, which can meet the hardness requirements of different types of printing machines for rubber rollers. But pay special attention to its storage. Do not throw it around or put it under heavy pressure. Keep the roller core from being eccentric or bent to ensure the normal use of the roller core.



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