Advantages of Polyurethane Board

Author:Advantages of Polyurethane Board     Date Posted:03 Feb 2023

Advantages of Polyurethane Board


1. Efficient thermal insulation Since the thermal conductivity of polyurethane foaming agent is much lower than that of air (good thermal insulation performance), the thermal insulation performance of rigid polyurethane foam is better than those materials that only contain air, such as mineral wool, glass fiber and polystyrene . Moreover, its unique closed cells and high gas diffusion resistance make it have excellent long-term thermal insulation performance, and its thermal insulation performance can last for 20-50 years or more.


2. The closed-cell structure of rigid polyurethane foam with excellent corrosion resistance and the surface material used make it have good gas resistance and waterproof performance, and can be made into inlays during molding. The connection structure is convenient for later assembly, does not require additional insulating layers to prevent moisture, and saves a lot of trouble in laying insulating layers. These characteristics are not available in other insulating materials.


3. Wide width, light weight, thin wall. Since the rigid polyurethane foam is also used as a structural material, the overall structure has the advantages of light weight, large span and high load capacity. Compared with other insulation materials, polyurethane rigid foam has good thermal insulation performance. Therefore, thinner polyurethane sandwich panels can meet the relevant regulations on building energy consumption restrictions, allowing the use of thinner panels during construction and saving building space.


4. Stable quality and high production efficiency. Nowadays, in the case of a sharp increase in demand, the production of polyurethane sandwich panels in factory production lines is not only conducive to quality control, but also brings good economic benefits and competitiveness.


5. Good weather resistance and easy installation. After the polyurethane sandwich panel is prefabricated in the factory, it can be directly used for construction and installation without additional procedures, and the construction is fast. And there is no need to consider weather changes, and production is carried out as planned.

0 板棒 江苏海得实 定制聚氨酯PU产品 0005-7.jpg

0 板棒 江苏海得实 定制聚氨酯PU产品 0001-7.jpg

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